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Tube Amp Doctor EL84-cz

Tube Amp Doctor

$105.00 - $210.00
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"EL84-Cz TAD PREMIUM Matched"
Beware of Our Roughneck!
The TAD EL84-CZ is the muscle man and roughneck among the EL84 models. It gives most amps
an extra powerful bass response. Be careful with amps that do already have a fat bass and make
sure their speaker can handle the increased bottom end as it might become too much. The EL84-Cz
is the most powerful EL84 tube we have ever heard. Big tone and very dynamic. Our recommendation, if a
powerful tone is what you are looking for.
d= 22,5mm
Due to its diameter of 22.5mm, the TAD EL84-Cz does not fit into older Marshall DSL401 and UK made VOX AC15 TBX amplifiers. The only tube which fits these amps is the EL84-EI. (ordering number: NN471)
Q: When does a power tube become a Premium Selected power tube?
A: All power tubes labeled Premium Selected have passed the following tests:
-      Plate Current (PC) and Amplification (TC)
-      Low Noise Test
-      Microphonic Test
-      Sonic Tests
-      Shock Tests
-      Listening Tests
-      Shorts & Leakage Tests
Premium RT-Matching of Power Tubes
Our Premium Matching is an exact matching of power tubes with identical Plate Current (PC) and Transconductance (TC).